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Antique Faberge Easter Eggs Wallpaper

Peter Faberge and his workshop made incredibly intricate Easter eggs for the Russian Imperial Court in 1885 - 1917 years.
These rare and unique creations had the cover of enameled gold and gem stones, which would open to reveal hidden wonders - sometimes golden yolk, sometimes a delicately sculpted figure, all nestled in many levels like a traditional Russian matryoshka doll.

Easter Eggs from gold and gem stones - palace

Faberge Unique Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs from gold and gem stones

From gold and gem stones

Faberge Easter Eggs from gold and gem stones

Faberge Easter Eggs

Faberge Easter Eggs Photos

Easter Eggs from gold and gem stones - eggs with surprise

Faberge Easter Eggs - unique works from gold

Faberge Easter Eggs - unique works from gold and gem stones

Easter Eggs - gold and gem stones

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